Why the Wine

Project Overview

Challenge: Create a way to engage a younger audience into buying wine.

Role: UX Designer, UX Researcher, and Interaction Designer

Duration: 2 weeks

Technologies: Figma


Farjana Begum

Rajmeet Chandok

Victoria Chen

Kennedi Cosma


Wine, the iconic alcoholic drink has been around for centuries, and has played a central role in many civilizations. However, there has been a downward trend of people between the ages of 21-30 purchasing wine in recent years. My client was set on pursuing a solution to get more people interested in purchasing and learning about wine. When this issue and our client’s vision for a wine informational website for young people was brought to my team, we brainstormed a wine matching quiz to match people to wine of their personal tastes and a box subscription service that would deliver wine based on the quiz results.


There has been an overall decrease in wine consumption and purchasing with ages 21-30. This has caused the wine industry to be worried about their future profitability and the future of the wine industry Another issue is the overwhelming amount and types available to the consumer. This makes the potential buyer confused and possibly choose a wine that goes against their taste, making them reluctant to buy in the future.

How might we better educate 21-30 year olds to encourage wine consumption?

First Steps

My team and I brainstormed for a while trying to sort through engaging ways that the wine industry could possibly engage a younger audience. And then it hit us! Why not make a wine matching app that then allows for consumers to then be paired with wine that they can deliver to their door. That is where our wine matching app idea was born. Subscription boxes have been all the range lately, and creating an engaging quiz could be both informative and engaging.


We started on our quest to better understand wine consumption through researching the exams given to wine connoisseurs. Wine is a very complicated subject and has many different intricacies that tie tastes and pairings together. Therefore, it is critical to understand how and what those relationships are before developing a quiz. We also did some competitor analysis to understand the wine matching resources that are already available to consumers. We found another quiz and shipping combo that was similar, but we found that it forced a consumer to purchase at least three bottles in a set, something unrealistic for our money tight target audience. We then formulated a plan of attack that would both educate and offer opportunities to provide high brow wine, but also wine options to reach a user with a smaller budget.


We constructed out initial wireframes to ensure that the userflow between each of the different questions was in tact and that the user could easily move between each of the different solutions. We found that we needed to ensure that there were more options for the user when going between each of these solutions and that the quiz was as interactive as possible.


When building our prototype, we focused on the interactivity of each of the different interactions swiping between answers. We also wanted to ensure that the color palette and visuals were very enticing to our users, since younger people expect a high quality visual experience when interacting with a product.

Wine Quiz prototype that swipes through each of the questions ending in a curated wine subscription box.

Deliverables & Reflection

When presenting our final solution to our client, we had them interact with our quiz and handed them an example of when the delivery service would be like. We presented our overall research and findings within young people looking to purchase wine. The client was overall very satisfied with our quiz solution and was looking forward to implementing our findings into our business plan. In this project I learned a lot about the wine business and the younger consumer market.